July 1st 2017 was a night to remember. It was one of those special night that make you say life is good. Playing music outdoors on a Summer Saturday night, fireworks displays all around, beautiful young people out by and in the pool, older folks on the deck socializing, great food and drink and people dancing, singing and laughing. What could be better?
One of the more special moments came when Janet was singing Landslide, which she dedicated to one of the hosts, who had recently overcome some personal health challenges. Janet got choked up and had a tough time getting through the song. It was a Hallmark moment and really heartfelt. Janet thought I was laughing at her but I was just smiling from ear to ear at the beauty of the moment. I wish I had a full camera crew there to capture it.
Another memorable moment came when after we started to feel a slight rain the host put up a tent over the band. Actually by the time they got it over us the rain had stopped. We played a few songs and when we got to the end of Folsom Prison Blues a gust of wing came and sent to tent flying. Fortunately nobody was hurt as Mikey and some people in the crowd were able to grab hold of it before it hit anyone.
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