Jamming with Uppercut
Last night 8/17/17, theRockin 45’s had the pleasure of playing alongside Uppercut. It was the first time seeing and meeting the band for all of us. To say that I was impressed would be a huge understatement.
Uppercut is not only a group of exceptional musicians but also great guys. Having been around bands all my life, I’m kind of used to musicians of that caliber being snobs and totally into themselves. I’ve seen more than my share of ‘band with attitude’ of late. The guys from Uppercut are genuinely humble and kind. I did want to try to get that song title in a post somehow lol.
Dennis, the lead singer and front man is dynamo talent and personality. There is a ton of talent and charisma packed into that guy and he brings it all. He connects with the people in a way that so many ‘big stage’ performers never do. Check out Uppercut here
Uppercut is now in it’s 21st year and their professionalism makes the extent of their experience very clear. We learned things from playing next to them and that alone makes the night a worthwhile experience. We also had fun though and I thought we jelled well because we weren’t on the big stage. I always like when the band is closer together. It reminds me of our roots in small places like Water Lilly’s. I think we play better when we set up tighter too.
And now, just for a laugh,we offer this. Memorial day weekend at Richie Albano’s party Mikey insisted that Dennis from Uppercut join us on stage to sing a song. The only problem was that Dennis from Uppercut wasn’t at the party. Mikey grabbed some other poor bastard and brought him up on stage and kept calling him Dennis.
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