theRockin45s Mission Grateful
No, we’re not becoming a dead tribute band! We’re expressing our gratitude for the opportunity to meet, play for and touch people in a way that inspires letter’s like the one we feature here. We are truly grateful.
There is a lot more to the story as this letter suggest and the letter says a lot. Maureen was at the show we played in mid August, 2007 at the Our Lady of Assumption annual feast. We spoke briefly after that show and I told Maureen that we were playing regularly at Water Lilly’s, in Freeport. She came down a few weeks later for my birthday gig, and a night that changed both of our lives in a very significant way.
People who have been fans of the band will remember this as the beginning of the end for CA3. That was the night the bouncer grabbed Jasmine’s arm and a riot nearly broke out. I don’t want to rehash all of that here but suffice to say a lot transpired that night and the result was my leaving the band and having the relationship I was in at the time fall apart. Not the first for me, even in my time with the band. Not the last either, but a pretty heartfelt one nonetheless. I wasn’t so grateful at the time but looking back now, they were important and necessary life lessons for me and I am grateful for that.
For Maureen, as you will hear her tell in the upcoming documentary that we are now shooting, met her now husband amidst the scuffle and that lead to other big life changes for her. She is now a recording artist and has shared her music with us and hopefully will be sitting in some night to play one or two of her songs with us. We all have a lot to be grateful for.
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